08. Creating a Notebook Instance

L1C3 Creating A Notebook Instance V2

The Github Repository

You can find a link to all of the exercise and project code for this course in the repository: https://github.com/udacity/ML_SageMaker_Studies . Copy and paste this repository into the Github clone option when you create your notebook instance!

Note: Once a notebook instance has been set up, by default, it will be InService which means that the notebook instance is running. This is important to know because the cost of a notebook instance is based on the length of time that it has been running. This means that once you are finished using a notebook instance you should Stop it so that you are no longer incurring a cost. Don't worry though, you won't lose any data provided you don't delete the instance. Just start the instance back up when you have time and all of your saved data will still be there.